What To Do When Your Yarn Breaks While Knitting?

Knitting is a relaxing and enjoyable craft, but it can be frustrating when your yarn breaks in the middle of a project. However, don’t worry! This article will guide you through the steps to take when your yarn breaks while knitting, helping you salvage your project and continue with confidence.

Steps to Follow When Your Yarn Breaks

When your yarn breaks while knitting, it’s important to stay calm and follow a few simple steps to fix the issue. Here’s what you should do:

1. Assess the Damage

The first step is to assess the extent of the damage and determine the best course of action. Here are some points to consider when assessing the damage:

  • Identify the exact location where the yarn has broken. Is it close to the knitting needles or further away?
  • Check if the broken ends of the yarn are still attached or if they have come completely apart.
  • Look for any dropped stitches or unraveling in the knitted fabric.

Assessing the damage will help you understand the severity of the situation and guide you in deciding the appropriate steps to take.

2. Secure the Stitches

Once you have assessed the damage, it’s essential to secure the stitches to prevent any further unraveling. Here are some points to consider when securing the stitches:

  • If the broken ends of the yarn are still attached, gently bring them together and tie a secure knot, making sure not to pull too tight to avoid distorting the fabric.
  • If the yarn ends have come completely apart, you will need to join the yarn by weaving in the ends. Thread a tapestry needle with the broken yarn ends and carefully weave them into the surrounding stitches to create a secure join.
  • If there are any dropped stitches, use a crochet hook or knitting needle to pick them up and place them back on the needles in the correct order.

Securing the stitches will prevent further unraveling and ensure that your work remains intact while you address the broken yarn.

3. Cut and Rejoin the Yarn

After securing the stitches, you will need to cut and rejoin the yarn to continue knitting. Here are some points to consider when cutting and rejoining the yarn:

  • Use sharp scissors to cut the broken yarn, making sure to leave a tail of at least a few inches to work with.
  • If the yarn is still attached to the ball or skein, carefully untangle it and find the end to continue knitting.
  • If the yarn has come completely apart, you will need to reattach a new length of yarn. To do this, take a new strand of yarn and tie a secure knot to the tail of the broken yarn, leaving a small tail of the new yarn to weave in later.

Cutting and rejoining the yarn will allow you to resume knitting and continue with your project seamlessly.

4. Weave in the Ends

To ensure a neat and finished look, it’s important to weave in the loose ends of the yarn once you have rejoined it. Here are some points to consider when weaving in the ends:

  • Thread a tapestry needle with the loose yarn ends.
  • Carefully weave the needle in and out of the stitches on the wrong side of the fabric, following the path of the existing yarn to hide the ends.
  • Continue weaving for a few inches to secure the ends, then trim any excess yarn, leaving a small tail that will be hidden within the fabric.

Weaving in the ends will ensure that they are secure and won’t come undone, giving your finished project a polished appearance.

5. Continue Knitting

Once you have secured the stitches, rejoined the yarn, and woven inthe ends, you can continue knitting as usual. Remember to take your time and ensure that the tension of the new yarn matches the rest of your project. If you’re joining a new ball or skein of yarn, it’s a good idea to start knitting with the new yarn at the beginning of a row or in a less visible area to create a seamless transition.


Breaking yarn while knitting can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to spell disaster for your project. By following the steps outlined in this article and staying calm, you can easily fix the issue and continue knitting with confidence. Remember to assess the damage, secure the stitches, cut and rejoin the yarn, weave in the ends, and then resume knitting. With a little patience and practice, you’ll be able to overcome any yarn breakage and create beautiful knitted pieces.


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